Our Mission
To carry on activities which benefit the community and in particular (without limitation):
To encourage healthy, active lifestyles for young people in a safe and engaging environment, through the development of dance, performing arts and associated activities;
To provide the opportunity for young people to gain a sense of self-worth, confidence and achievement, and to use their passion for the performing arts in a positive manner;
To give children the opportunity to participate in daytime and evening activities, which would ordinarily be outside their sphere of aspiration, and give them the chance to be children;
To provide a creative forum which allows young people to connect with their peers and discuss and tackle their concerns related to personal health issues;
To enrich the lives of the local community through the provision of accessible, creative programmes and projects which focus on social and cultural inclusion, environmental responsibility and personal care and wellbeing;
To decriminalise young people in the eyes of the community;
To support the creation of meaningful, developmental and sustainable local career and volunteering opportunities through dance and performing arts;
To use performing arts to aid disengaged young people in their efforts to build relationships and challenge anti-social behaviour;
To support the building of local social capital by enabling local people to connect with local services – for mutual benefit.