2020 was a – unique – year. As well as our daily work supporting communities and individuals, Enter completed 7 major community projects (often under lockdown conditions). From a viral hit to new learning resources for children and from an innovative ‘Summer Pantomime’ (yes, everyone seems to be doing them now) to a world first streamed Festival of Remembrance from Durham Cathedral, we didn’t hold back and kept supporting vulnerable communities.

Enter CIC – VE Day Videos.
April, 2020
33 specially-created individual performance videos which reached over 33,000 people on YouTube. The pandemic and first lockdown meant our young people could not meet up (but that wasn't going to stop us), so we ran workshops online and created 33 videos remotely to celebrate VE Day. The videos were shot separately and then our video team created animated backdrops, digital, scenes and other complementary effects to create 33 online professional productions.
33 Covid-secure videos were created and reached over 33,000 people in the first week of being posted.

Pirate Summer School Pantomime.
August, 2020
Covid Secure Summer Pantomime. Again, not to be held back by a mere pandemic, Enter created a socially distanced, safe and entertaining summer pantomime like no other! It was the first 'pantomime' of its kind to be performed by young people outside of the traditional season. Now, we seem to have started a trend. Most of the live action was filmed separately, green screened so that our technical design wizards could produce an exciting video animation (complete with sound effects) at the end of the week.

Festival of Remembrance 2020 – Livestream.
November, 2020
World First Virtual (Livestream) Remembrance Festival at Durham Cathedral. Our young people performed an original poem, penned by Enter creatives, as well as other poignant poems to commemorate VE Day and VJ Day.

Virtual Carol Concert.
December, 2020
With no Shoebox Appeal this year due to Covid, we took some special videos to the socially distanced community venues so they could see the good work done by others in their community and enjoy a traditional and modern Covid-secure choral singalong. We shared our specially created Christmas song with our singers performing their parts in complete isolation. We brought them all together as if by magic and produced the show stopping video seen in this picture.
Click here to watch Enter's own singalong video.

New Online Learning Platform
May, 2020
We created a new, online learning platform to support young people who were feeling isolated at home due to the Pandemic. Access was free and there were hundreds of specially-created pieces of learning content, fun activities and learning opportunities (from cooking, drawing, technical theatre, dance, drama, music, singing, safety online and stage make-up and more) to work through online or download. We set tasks for our students and they returned with great videos and other content to support young people's mental health and wellbeing. Our team turned some of the artwork into cool and accessible videos to take the fear out of Covid for young people. Take a look below for more information.
Click here to watch the introduction.
Click here to watch Barbarasaurus' Stay at Home video.
Click here to watch our students' Stay at Home video.
Hundreds of pieces of learning content were uploaded in the first few days. Everything from art, music and technical theatre to Arts Award programmes, dance at home videos and make-up tips for pantomimes. The portal was free to over 17,500 people living in the local area.

Garden of Remembrance.
November, 2020
For a week in the run up to Armistice Day, we added white crosses to our garden, projected falling poppies onto our building and installed a gigantic poppy on our large, showcase window to commemorate lives lost and soldiers still serving in our armed forces. The lockdown community were free to come into our garden and reflect and show their respects.

Santa’s Magical Experience (Covid-secure).
December, 2020
Outdoors Santa Magical Experience which followed government guidelines and ensured that young children of our community got to celebrate Christmas as usual, with Elves, Santa and a host of magical characters.
Like what we did during 2020?
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For more information about how you could get involved directly, or support our valuable work with disadvantaged groups and individuals.